You can get a Budweiser pretty much anywhere in the United States, if not the world. And in Anheuser-Busch’s hometown? C’mon. But there’s something special about sipping a cold Bud while visiting the penguins and red pandas at the St. Louis Zoo on a bright Sunday morning. That something is the fact that, in a country still plagued by archaic blue laws restricting alcohol sales, you can drink a beer at the zoo on a Sunday morning—thanks to the influence of the city’s most famous corporate citizen. Taste that, my friend? It’s the flavor of beechwood-aged freedom. (For us, not the animals. Sorry, guys!) —Tony Rehagen
Tony Rehagen is a St. Louis-based writer and beer enthusiast (which is redundant). His work has appeared in Popular Mechanics, Politico, The Washington Post, and Jack and Jill.